Our goal is to help you get back on your feet and home as soon as possible. Discharges can occur throughout the day and evening. Your attending physician will make the decision about when it is appropriate for you to go home.
When you are ready to leave the hospital, you will be given a bright pink envelope with your discharge information inside. In addition, an admissions representative may visit to finalize all paperwork for billing and insurance purposes. If you need to fill prescriptions or get equipment, there is a Walgreens Pharmacy conveniently located on the medical center campus. They will even provide bedside medication delivery.
Keep in mind that you are the most important part of our team. We want you to feel free to
Speak Up if there is anything you do not understand about your discharge plan. We are here to meet your needs and to provide as much information as possible so that you have everything you need to complete your recovery.
Patient Compliments and Concerns
Should you wish to make a formal statement about your treatment or care while still a patient, please contact the nurse manager of the patient unit. If concerns are not addressed, you may contact the Patient Advocate at
410-535-8446 or the Quality Management Department at
410-535-8117, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Evenings and weekends, ask your nurse to contact the clinical coordinator for you.
You always have the option to pursue your concerns with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene or The Joint Commission. Of course, we would appreciate your giving us the opportunity to first work with you to resolve any issues. To reach DHMH, call
410-764-4970. Because this facility is accredited by The Joint Commission, you can also contact The Joint Commission by calling
1-800-994-6610 or emailing